Complete Shredding Solutions


Here is a handy guide from us on how to limit your plastic waste and usage. Remember to recycle!   Why Do

Get in the Holiday Spirit by Bringing Christmas to Your Cubicle Bring the Holiday Spirit to Work Complete Shredding Solutions Tips for

When running a business or dealing with clients means you probably have documented personal information at hand. The dangers of personal and

Generally speaking, there are two kinds of information people take most seriously: their financial information and their medical information. That’s why so

You’d have to be living under a rock to not know that the new iPhone X has taken the digital world by

Have you ever taken a hammer to an old phone or computer in an effort to destroy the information on it? It’s

Sometimes, accidents happen, and we have to deal with the consequences — like your important papers being water-damaged because of a leak

As a business person, we’re sure you take plenty of precautions when it comes to your data security. However, you’re only as

There’s this running idea that holding onto your physical and digital data is a good idea. Well we’re here to tell you

Don’t you love walking into your office in the morning and spending twenty minutes cleaning off your desk before you can actually

As a professional, we’re sure you’ve heard advice on how little habits can make a big difference. These might include how writing

As a small-to-medium-sized business owner, you know how hard it can sometimes be keeping up with all the rules and regulations that

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CLICK HERE if you have less than 10 boxes or 300lbs of material to shred.
For larger jobs, please fill out the form below.